All are welcomed.
Please see below our schedule and expectations.

Mass - Every Sunday at 11:00am
Midweek Eucharist - Every Tuesday at 1:00pm in the Chapel
Every Tuesday from 1:45pm to 2:30pm
Every Wednesday from 5:00 to 5:45pm
Every Wednesday at 5:45pm (A 15-minute end of the day service)
Every Second Sunday of every month at 12:15pm
You may also join us for live-streamed services, which you can find along with our service archive on our Facebook page.
The Rite of Reconciliation is available upon request. Please contact the parish priest to make arrangements.
Church During Covid:
We are presently having in-person services. We encourage those who attend to be vaccinated and to wear masks at indoor services. Please make use of the hand sanitizer upon entering the building. The Bishop of the Diocese of Dallas, George Sumner, has permitted the return of the common cup at communion.
Those that are vaccinated may receive from the common cup, but we ask that those that are not to receive either via intinction (from the priest or chalice-bearer) or in one-kind. The doctrine of concomitance affirms that the fullness of the sacrament is available by receiving the consecrated bread alone (one-kind). If you are uncomfortable receiving from the common cup, please continue to make your communion in one-kind.
In the Anglican tradition, services follow fixed forms of words and actions established in the Book of Common Prayer, which allows everyone to take part in the service. Our services include the typical elements one would expect to find in a Christian worship service: congregational singing, a sermon, and prayers.
In addition to these, every Sunday we celebrate the sacramental memorial of Christ’s saving sacrifice, the Eucharist or Holy Communion. We invite all persons baptized in the name of the Trinity to receive from the Lord and regardless of denomination, age, or church attendance record.
Another thing that you might notice about Anglican worship is that it includes a lot of movement. During the service, you might see people around you standing, sitting, kneeling, making the sign of the cross, genuflecting, and bowing, at different points in the service. These things reflect the bodily and soulful nature of worship.
There will also be times during the service where the congregation recites prayers and creeds together. If you are new to a tradition of formal worship, we encourage you to participate without any concern for “doing things correctly.” We are just glad that you are with us and we want your visit to be comfortable so that you may fully experience God’s presence through worship and fellowship, whether you are just visiting or looking for a church to make your home.
Please let us know how we might make your visit to our church a welcome and comfortable one.